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Babui bird’s nest on the way to extinction in Narail!!

Ujjwal Roy, Narail District Representative:
Babui bird's nest is on the way to extinction in Narail. The nest of the baboon tied to the familiar palm tree is now on the way to extinction. Due to cutting palm trees and using them for various purposes, the nest of Babui bird is not seen much in the area. Once upon a time, rows of palm trees and palm trees were seen in the nature of rural Bengal. There, the devoted weaver's bird's nest attracted everyone's attention. The well-known palm trees and baby bird's nests are now being destroyed in this district. Similarly, the early morning chirping of the natural artist Babui bird has lost its melodious call. 'Babui Pakhire call, said uphill, the one who is in the hut, brags about the art. I live happily in the building, how much do you suffer in the sun, rain and storm? These word choices of a poem written by poet Rajinikanth Sen about Babui Pakhi indicate the victory song of Babui Pakhi's life battle. A man brought up in a village finds solace in rural nature and the chirping of sparrows. A sight not easily forgotten. Babui bird's nest is one of the familiar forms of village and rural life. The reflection of the short poem in Chhet's poetry book is like a bird's nest. Ujjal Roy, Narail district representative said,
The rhyme was included in the syllabus of elementary books. By reading the poems in the textbooks, the students could know about the skillful craftsmanship of the babui bird. These weaving artists of nature are on the way to extinction due to indiscriminate cutting of trees and one-class predators. Currently in some areas of Keshavpur the nest of Babui bird can be seen. Once upon a time in the countryside, beautiful nests of baboons could be seen in rows of tall palm trees. Now it is not often seen. Babui birds make their nests with straw, palm leaves, grass and kasban leaves. This house is as attractive as it is strong. . Babui birds build their nests in tall palm trees with straw, twigs, palm leaves, palm leaves, grass and vine leaves. It is known that male baboons can build 6 nests in one season. The time of Aman paddy ripening is the breeding season of Babui birds. At this time, they are usually busy making nests on palm and palm tree branches. Immediately after hatching, the female collects food from the babui khet to feed the young. Due to the adverse effects of human aggression against nature, the baby bird and its nest are about to disappear. However, in some areas of the rural areas of the country, the nests of baboons can still be seen in palm and palm trees. But the palm tree is their only safe place. There they feel comfortable nesting. As attractive as this house looks, it is also very strong. Even in strong storms, their nests do not fall down. When the male baby bird is done building the nest, it goes out to find a mate. If a partner is desired, the male Babu bathes in canal, bill and pond water and dances on tree branches to make the female Babui a mate. One of the characteristics of the Babui bird is to light the house at night by placing a pinch of dung inside the nest, catching the jonaki insect and sitting on it and releasing it in the morning. Except during the breeding season, baboons have coppery black spots on their body and back. The lips are full and the tail is square. However, the color of the male bird is dark brown during the breeding season. At other times the baboons are brown like the back feathers of birds. Bikash Kundu, a resident of Hatbaria village, said that there were palm trees near my house where hundreds of babui birds built their nests. At the end of the day, flocks of baby birds would return to their nests in the evening. The chirping of the whole area would have been deafening. Even in the early hours of the morning, he woke up to the sound of their chirping. But now all are on the verge of extinction due to the decline of palm trees and palm trees. Kala Das said, there is a doubt whether the children of the new generation know the nest of the baby bird or whether they will recognize it even if they see it. Baboons are comfortable nesting in these typically palm and palm trees. Sparrows love to live in people and houses. But the baby bird is hardworking and lives in its own nest. Their nests are also pretty and sturdy. Baby birds are good at building such beautiful nests. That's why baby bird is called master craftsman of nature. He said, some people do not understand them. hunting Apart from this, the number of palm trees and palm trees is decreasing day by day. That's why the baby bird is now on the verge of extinction. Due to deforestation and indiscriminate hunting of birds, nests of Babui birds are not seen much now. In order to protect the environment and biodiversity, we need to stop killing birds and create bird sanctuary.
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